Tuesday, January 03, 2006

to me, love is the greatest thing that exists in this world.

before you dismiss me as the typical girl who will fall for romantic declarations and overused lovey-dovey cliches, take a moment to contemplate the things that are important to you. it's true that i am a sucker for hackneyed words, no matter how cheesy they sound. but i fall for them because i know it takes a certain amount of courage for a guy to say it to me, knowing fully well how lame it sounds. and because he wants to make me happy, he will say it even if it torments him. to me, that is love declared and implied at the same time, because it's not just the words that tug at my heartstrings, but the effort behind it as well. it's easy to win me over, because nick says i am soft-hearted and therefore will fall for such tricks. but even tricking someone takes a considerable amount of effort and planning, so even if he says he tricked me (in a good way of course), no matter how easily, i know he had to work for it. therefore in a way i am happily tricked. :D

of course my idea of love also encompasses that of parental love. i think parents love their kids more than themselves. for example, they work so hard to earn money so that they can spend it on their kids. at least that is what my parents do. my mum pays for my stuff when we go shopping together, even if i have my own atm card. my dad pays for my food when we eat together, even if i have money with me. i seldom buy my mum stuff or treat my dad to meals, sadly. i am sure my parents have spent more money on me than on themselves. when i earned my first paycheck, i realised how hard it was to earn money. i could hardly even bear to splurge on myself. and then i wondered how i could bear to splurge on someone else. also, my parents spend so much time on me and my brothers. looking after us, tutoring us, cooking for us.. etc, basically spending all their free time on us at their own expense. imagine coming home from a day's hard work, and then having to check through your children's homework and reading bedtime stories to them. parents spend so much time on their kids such that they have no time for themselves. parents would do a lot of things for their kids, even if it kills them.

the most important love of all is God's love for us. God is our Father and he too, like our mortal parents, loves us unconditionally in spite of our flaws, sins and handicaps. God loves us so much that even if we are broken, we are still whole in spirit. no matter how we angered God or broke His heart, He forgave us and washed away our sins with the blood of His son. that is like a Father torn between saving his drowning son and his son's friend, when he can only save one. and He saved us- His son's friend. every parent loves their child(ren). God loved Jesus too, but he sacrificed His son to save us. how many parents can do that? how many parents would save their son's friend over their own son? but God did that for us, even if we were so unworthy of His love. all we had to do was to come to Him, and in doing so, we became His children, and He became our loving Father. it is easy to love our own kith and kin. it is easy to love someone we know, or someone who seems attractive to us. but it is not easy to love a stranger, a someone whom we have never met or known, or a person who does not seem appealing to us. God loves us all- fat, skinny, tall, short, intelligent, lazy, black, white, pretty or ugly- He loves us all the same. that is why i think there is no love that can supersede that of God's. even if we did not earn that birthright, His love was ours for the taking. and if we make that choice to take up that love, we can look forward to eternal life with God in a paradise called Heaven. even up till now, i continue to be amazed by God's love and grace. it is not something i am in awe of simply because it is so touching, but because i can feel it. the kind of love that washes over you in times of despair, that soothes your broken heart and gives you a hope like no other.. and i feel it.

i know it sounds lame. but love truly is the greatest thing. :)


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