Sunday, July 10, 2005

today's sermon was interesting. it started with a skit-- Oprah-styled talkshow and the like, only it was called Hoperah (haha) and featured 3 married couples who wanted to make their marriage work. it was hilariously rib-tickling! like some extreme-makeover thing. haha :) then we had john and helen burns all the way from canada come to speak to us about relationships. well i personally thought it was a good message and very relevant to all of us out there, so i'd like to share it with everyone.

friendship is the core of all relationships, and friendship seeks to bless the other person. a healthy friendship is dependent on loyalty, which shows in times of disagreement. a healthy friendship promotes honesty and openness, where you can be yourself and relax and recognise that you are loved for who you are and not who you try to be! you know that you are in a healthy relationship when you can run the race for Him as hard and as passionate as you want, and knowing that that someone in your life is able to keep up with you. if you find that you have to slow down, then it's not the best that God intended for you.

how do you keep the sizzle in a relationship? the trick is to stay amazed! i really liked john's description of 'being in love'. he likened it to a discovery of treasure in a person's heart and i think he could not have put it more aptly. a lifetime of discovery is what keeps a relationship going. appreciate the individuality of the person you love! a relationship is not about agreeing with each other all the time, it's about two separate individuals discovering the uniqueness of each other.

remember how a while ago i was wondering whether love was a sentiment or an obligation? i think i found my answer. john said that love is a decision. amen! nobody falls out of love, they decide if they want to stop loving someone. love is out there for all of us, but we have make a choice to do what it takes to get it.

so there. these are some of the key points i managed to jot down. i'm sure there were many other good points but i wasn't fast enough to write them all down. i'm no expert but i guess the thing about relationships is that sometimes we can really act like idiots and do things to hurt each other. we act like we don't care but deep inside we fear that we may be losing each other. but sometimes it's in moments like these that make us realise how much we really love each other and how much we need each other in our lives. the thing about a relationship is that it can never always be smooth-sailing and sometimes it may cause you a great deal of hurt and heartache but the most important thing is that you know that no one makes you as happy as that special someone in your life does, and vice versa. :)

"You hold me in your arms
and never let me go."


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